Majid Daneshgar (philology, orientalism, and Islamic studies)
There are still many documents and materials from Southeast Asia kept in private and public libraries …
Majid Daneshgar (philology, orientalism, and Islamic studies)
There are still many documents and materials from Southeast Asia kept in private and public libraries …
Majid Daneshgar (philology, orientalism and religious studies)
I visited the library of Professor Yoneo Ishii (石井米雄) (1929–2010) kept at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, just a few months after my arrival in Japan in November 2023. Since then, …
Rikuo Hara (PhD Student, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
Did you know that the CSEAS Library holds a collection of approximately 2,000 (as of April 2024) Arabic-language materials? …
Atsushi Yoshida (PhD Candidate, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)
CEDORECK was created among a group of young Cambodian workers and intellectuals pursuing …
Taihei Kikuchi (Doctoral Program, Studies in Language and Society, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University) …